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Linear interpolationΒΆ

The following libraries are imported for the calculation

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

python code for calculation of the new coordinates of the missing or the null values

Perform linear interpolation on a set of data points.

Parameters: x_points (array-like): Known x-values of the data points. y_points (array-like): Known y-values of the data points. x_new (array-like): New x-values at which to interpolate the y-values. Returns: array-like: Interpolated y-values at x_new points.

def li_int(x_points, y_points, x_new):

    # Input validation
    if len(x_points) != len(y_points):
        raise ValueError("x_points and y_points must have the same length")
    if not (np.all(np.diff(x_points) > 0) or np.all(np.diff(x_points) < 0)):
        raise ValueError(
            "x_points must be strictly monotonic (either increasing or decreasing)"

    # Perform linear interpolation
    interpolator = interp1d(x_points, y_points, kind="linear")
    y_new = interpolator(x_new)

    return y_new